Scleral Lens Patient Testimonials:
The scleral lens for my right eye has been a total life changer for me and three months ago, I had never heard of it. When my ophthalmologist referred me to Dr. Ellen Cutler, the most I was hoping for was an update on a script for my left eye. I had given up on improving the vision in my right eye. I had not had truly binocular vision for over 10 years. The radial keratotomy I had decades earlier for my right eye had given me a long period of being able to do presentations or read without needing reading glasses. But over time, my vision changed, and while contacts kept vision in my left eye sharp, eventually the right eye lost its ability to make out even the top line on a vision chart. Time after time, Dr’s had tried fitting me with both hard and soft contact lenses for astigmatism but they stuck, buckled, or continually moved off center and none improved my vision. They explained that the RK had caused a rippling and partial collapse of some areas of my cornea, making it impossible for a contact to create the smooth surface needed for correction.
During my exam, Dr. Cutler quickly found a prescription for my left eye, then addressed my "problem" right eye. She told me that I might be a good candidate for a scleral lens, a larger, hard lens that could basically correct the smooth curvature RK had removed from my cornea. She placed a tester scleral lens, which looked larger and more curved than a regular contact, on something that looked like a rubber golf tee and filled it to the brim with saline solution, I almost laughed. I could not imagine how it would work. But after having me bend my head down and hold my top eyelid up she popped it in. As I looked up and dried a bit of saline off my cheek, I realized that I could see with total clarity for the first time in over fifteen years! Furthermore, the dryness that had me using Restasis was gone because I was in effect wearing a mini fishbowl that kept my eye completely lubricated with the saline. Dr. Cutler showed me how to insert, remove and care for the lens and gave me plenty of opportunity to practice, to see if I wanted to go forward with this lens. I realized that there was no way I was not going to take advantage of this crazy big lens and the amazing vision and comfort it provided.
In the week that it took for my scleral lens to arrive, I ordered a few supplies and watched several videos about scleral lenses online that Dr. Cutler had recommended. Though the lens is larger than I was used to having the right tools and listening to her advice to keep my chin tucked in made it very easy to insert it. I found that having an insertion device with a hole in the middle has made getting the lens in and placed properly virtually foolproof. Removal is even easier and my eye always feels moistened and refreshed at the end of a day of use.
My vision now is amazing. I find that what I believed was poor night vision has been completely corrected by the addition of the scleral lens. I can now walk or drive with perfectly clear vision, and I notice the world around me with such enhanced clarity that I can't imagine doing without this lens.
If you are a candidate for the scleral lens, I can recommend Dr. Cutler without any reservations. She is a remarkable doctor, a total professional with tremendous common sense and empathy. She had many useful tips about wearing and maintaining the lenses, made herself available to answer questions and did additional fine tuning of the correction in my other eye to provide me with the best possible dual vision. I feel incredibly grateful for the chain of events that led me to Dr. Cutler and the remarkable scleral lens she introduced and skillfully incorporated into my life.
Dr. Cutler,
It has been 4 years that I have noticed that my custom made soft contact lens were not helping me anymore.
My office manager would notice me squinting at the computer and she would ask me from time to time if I were ok with using the computer. My oldest son noticed that my driving became slower and he said I looked nervous driving. After work hours created so much anxiety because I feared the glare from the oncoming traffic lights. Sometimes driving was so painful that my eyes would tear. Every night I had a headache so would be in bed by 9pm just so that I could relax because of so much day tension.
And, just when I thought that I was going to have to cut my hours at work to get home before dark you introduced me to scleral lens.
I had lost hope and never imagined that I would be able to see so clear and perfect again. I am happy that I can get back to my reading. My work flow is more efficient, I don't have to rush home after work, I can run errands. My family has even noticed a change in my energy. I am up later than 9pm and I actually make my way to gym because I don't have the headache that causes me to lay down and close my eyes.
Thank You.
During my exam, Dr. Cutler quickly found a prescription for my left eye, then addressed my "problem" right eye. She told me that I might be a good candidate for a scleral lens, a larger, hard lens that could basically correct the smooth curvature RK had removed from my cornea. She placed a tester scleral lens, which looked larger and more curved than a regular contact, on something that looked like a rubber golf tee and filled it to the brim with saline solution, I almost laughed. I could not imagine how it would work. But after having me bend my head down and hold my top eyelid up she popped it in. As I looked up and dried a bit of saline off my cheek, I realized that I could see with total clarity for the first time in over fifteen years! Furthermore, the dryness that had me using Restasis was gone because I was in effect wearing a mini fishbowl that kept my eye completely lubricated with the saline. Dr. Cutler showed me how to insert, remove and care for the lens and gave me plenty of opportunity to practice, to see if I wanted to go forward with this lens. I realized that there was no way I was not going to take advantage of this crazy big lens and the amazing vision and comfort it provided.
In the week that it took for my scleral lens to arrive, I ordered a few supplies and watched several videos about scleral lenses online that Dr. Cutler had recommended. Though the lens is larger than I was used to having the right tools and listening to her advice to keep my chin tucked in made it very easy to insert it. I found that having an insertion device with a hole in the middle has made getting the lens in and placed properly virtually foolproof. Removal is even easier and my eye always feels moistened and refreshed at the end of a day of use.
My vision now is amazing. I find that what I believed was poor night vision has been completely corrected by the addition of the scleral lens. I can now walk or drive with perfectly clear vision, and I notice the world around me with such enhanced clarity that I can't imagine doing without this lens.
If you are a candidate for the scleral lens, I can recommend Dr. Cutler without any reservations. She is a remarkable doctor, a total professional with tremendous common sense and empathy. She had many useful tips about wearing and maintaining the lenses, made herself available to answer questions and did additional fine tuning of the correction in my other eye to provide me with the best possible dual vision. I feel incredibly grateful for the chain of events that led me to Dr. Cutler and the remarkable scleral lens she introduced and skillfully incorporated into my life.
Dr. Cutler,
It has been 4 years that I have noticed that my custom made soft contact lens were not helping me anymore.
My office manager would notice me squinting at the computer and she would ask me from time to time if I were ok with using the computer. My oldest son noticed that my driving became slower and he said I looked nervous driving. After work hours created so much anxiety because I feared the glare from the oncoming traffic lights. Sometimes driving was so painful that my eyes would tear. Every night I had a headache so would be in bed by 9pm just so that I could relax because of so much day tension.
And, just when I thought that I was going to have to cut my hours at work to get home before dark you introduced me to scleral lens.
I had lost hope and never imagined that I would be able to see so clear and perfect again. I am happy that I can get back to my reading. My work flow is more efficient, I don't have to rush home after work, I can run errands. My family has even noticed a change in my energy. I am up later than 9pm and I actually make my way to gym because I don't have the headache that causes me to lay down and close my eyes.
Thank You.